Wild West Pie

Wild West Pie
  • Author: sarahambrose

This hearty and comforting sausage and potato casserole is a delicious medley of flavors and textures. Tender chunks of pork sausages, crispy bacon, savory mushrooms, and creamy mashed potatoes blend together in a satisfying dish that is bound to warm your soul. Topped with a gooey layer of melted cheese, this casserole is a perfect combination of indulgence and homely goodness. Just one bite will transport you to a place of pure comfort and satisfaction.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 4 thick pork sausages - chopped into chunks
  • 4 rashers bacon - chopped
  • 1/2 onion - diced
  • handful of button mushrooms - diced
  • baked beans
  • 4 / 5 medium - large mashing potatos
  • butter
  • 150g- 200g of grated cheese
  • aromat (optional)
  • worcester sauce (optional)


  • Boil and Mash potatoes, adding butter and grated cheese
  • Cook sausages and then brown off the bacon, mushrooms, onion in frying pan
  • put sausages, bacon, onion, mushrooms and baked beans in caserol dish top with mash
  • cook for 40 mins on about 180 making sure piping hot!!
  • Dish up and tuck in !


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Serves 4