Watercress And Green Pea Soup

Watercress And Green Pea Soup
  • Author: bearnaise

Celebrate the bright flavors of spring with this vibrant pea and watercress soup. Delicately seasoned with nutmeg, lemon zest, and a hint of cream, this refreshing dish is a perfect blend of fresh ingredients. The sweetness of the peas pairs beautifully with the peppery notes of watercress, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. Whip up a pot of this light and nutritious soup for a comforting meal that sings of the season.

— Constant Cookbook


  • A pound of peas fresh or frozen
  • 85g bag watercress
  • A pint of vegetable stock
  • nutmeg
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • cream
  • seasalt and fine white pepper


  • Cook the peas first
  • Put the peas and watercress with a small amount of the stock in the food processor and whizz
  • Put the peas and watercress mix in a saucepan and add the rest of the ingredients seasoning for taste
  • Heat gently and then before serving add the cream, again the amount to your taste
  • Keep tasting until it tastes how you want it to be. Do not add too much watercress - it is a bitter strong flavoured herb and could overpower the delicate taste of the peas


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Serves 4