Tortoise Cake

Tortoise Cake
  • Author: m4tthew

This chocolate tortoise cake recipe is a fun and creative way to bake a delicious treat. The rich cocoa flavors in the cake are complemented by the smooth chocolate butter icing that covers the cake shell. Using marshmallows and currants for the tortoise's head and legs adds a cute and whimsical touch to this dessert. Whether you're making a full-sized tortoise cake or smaller individual tortoises, this recipe is sure to bring joy to anyone who gets to enjoy the adorable and tasty treats.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 175g margarine
  • 175g sugar
  • 3x eggs
  • 125g self raising flour
  • 50g cocoa powder
  • 100g margarine
  • 175g icing sugar
  • 1x heaped tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1x tablespoon milk
  • large chocolate buttons , 2 Currants, 5 marshmellows


  • In a bowl, mix together 175 grams of margarine and 175 grams of sugar. Next, break three eggs into the bowl and beat it all up really well. Finally add 125 grams of self raising flour and 50 grams of cocoa powder. It's a good idea to sieve these to get rid of any lumps. Use a metal spoon to stir it all together, then transfer it to a greased bowl. The bowl needs to be oven-proof and about 16cm in diameter. Put the cake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for about an hour.
  • When it's cooked loosen the cake with a knife and carefully turn it out onto a wire rack, then leave it to cool. While it's cooling you can prepare the chocolate butter icing. In a clean bowl add 100 grams of margarine, 175 grams of sieved icing sugar, 1x heaped tablespoon of cocoa powder and one tablespoon of milk. Mix it together until it's really smooth.
  • Using a knife cut the cake in half, and sandwich the two flat sides together with the butter icing. Cover the whole thing in the rest of the icing - don't forget to save a bit of the icing for the head and legs though.
  • Once it's all covered, smooth it down with a flat knife. You could use chocolate buttons all over the icing, but you can always use a knife to mark the tortoise's shell lines with a criss-cross pattern.
  • For the legs cover four marshmallows in chocolate butter icing and stick them to the sides of his shell.
  • For the head stick two marshmallows together and again cover them in chocolate icing.
  • Finally, stick two currants onto the top of the head for the eyes.
  • You can make smaller tortoises using sponge fairy cakes for the body, broken up chocolate buttons for the feet and half a marshmallow for the head.


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Serves 1