
  • Author: hunkydory

Indulge in the heavenly layers of espresso-soaked biscuits, luscious mascarpone cream, and a hint of Masala spice in this irresistible Tiramisu recipe. Each bite is a harmonious blend of textures and flavors, making it a perfect dessert to treat yourself and your loved ones. Whether chilled overnight or served freshly assembled, this classic Italian delicacy is sure to delight your taste buds.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 5 medium eggs
  • 5 tablespoons of castor sugar
  • 5 teaspoons of castor sugar
  • 500g mascarpone cheese
  • 500ml expresso coffee
  • Pavasini Biscuits
  • Masala to taste
  • Cocoa powder to dust


  • Make up a pot of expresso coffee and add the 5 teaspoons of castor sugar. Allow to cool.
  • Separate the egg whites and yolks into two separate bowls.
  • Whisk up the egg whites, adding the 5 tablespoons of castor sugar in gradually until they form lovely stiff meringuey peaks.
  • Whisk up the egg yolks until they are thick and creamy and about triple the amount they were (this can take a good 5/10 mins of whisking, but worth it)!
  • Add the mascarpone cheese to the beaten egg yolk mixture.
  • Then combine that with the egg white mixture.
  • You should have a lovely creamy mixture, not too runny or too thick. Then add the Masala to the mixture - enough to suit your tastebuds. For me it is a good few tablespoons!
  • Now get a large rectangular bowl roughly 20cm by 30cm and 5cms deep.
  • Place a thin layer of the cream mixture on the bottom, then dip your biscuits into the cooled coffee, one at a time, and place a layer of biscuits across the bottom of the dish. Add a cream layer, then another biscuit layer, continue and then finish with a cream layer. Dust the top with cocoa. Place in the fridge to set for a few hours or cover and freeze straightaway and just get it out a few hours before you need to serve it.
  • I can get about 3 layers of biscuit in this size dish but you may find with thicker sponge fingers it may be less. Try your local Italian deli for the Pavasini bisucits. Plus I have made it in the large foil trays you can buy and frozen it for parties too.


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Serves 8