Serrano Ham Croquettes

Serrano Ham Croquettes
  • Author: adamwilkinson

With a crisp golden crust and a creamy, savory filling, these homemade potato croquettes are a delicious treat that elevate the humble spud to gourmet status. Each bite reveals a delightful blend of fluffy mashed potatoes, flavorful serrano ham, and fragrant herbs, all encased in a crunchy breadcrumb coating. Baked to a perfect crispness in the oven, these croquettes are sure to impress your family or guests with their irresistible combination of textures and flavors.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 6 medium sized White or Desiree potatos
  • 3-4 Slices of Serrano Ham or the best ham of this sort that you can afford
  • 1 Clove of Garlic crushed under the blade of your knife then finely chopped
  • Spot of milk
  • a glug of good Olive Oil
  • a Teaspoon of Parsley
  • a pinch of Basil
  • 200g of Breadcrumbs (fresh or bought)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 2 Eggs
  • Good knob of butter


  • Boil your potatos until tender and ready to mash. about 15-18 minutes then mash. Once You're happy there are no lumps beat the butter into the mashed potato with a wooden spoon or a sturdy metal whisk then do the same with a small splash of milk, season well and stir thoroughly again. Allow to cool for half an hour.
  • Meanwhile chop your ham finely and Fry with the garlic for around 5 mins in the olive oli on a medium heat then stir into your mash along with salt and pepper, the chopped parsley and basil.
  • Once cooled beat the eggs in a dessert bowl and spread a dinner plate with the breadcrumbs. Form a croquette, which should be a sausage shape about the length of your little finger and a good inch in diameter. Dip this in the egg and roll it around in the breadcrumbs to coat evenly then transfer to a good sized, buttered or non-stick baking tray. Repeat this step until you run out of potato. Don't be afraid to use another egg or some more crumbs if you feel you're getting too low.
  • Put your croquettes in the fridge to set for a further minimum 30mins. This step is vital if you don't want them to break up when cooking. Heat your oven to 200 degrees C.
  • Traditionally these croquettes are fried in olive oil over a medium heat until golden all over and hot through. Feel free to do this but I prefer to bake in the oven for 20-25mins turn once or twice during cooking to ensure an even colour.


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Serves 6