Scotch Eggs, Salsa & Cous Cous

Scotch Eggs, Salsa & Cous Cous
  • Author: sweetunique

Today, we're diving into the delicious world of Scotch Eggs! Picture this – perfectly hard-boiled eggs encased in a flavorful layer of minced meat and crispy breadcrumbs. You're in for a treat as we guide you through creating these golden delights. And let's not forget the fragrant salsa and fluffy couscous that complete this scrumptious meal. Let's get cooking!

— Constant Cookbook


  • For the Scotch Eggs
  • * 5 large eggs
  • * 400 g of beef mince (although you could use lamb/mutton instead)
  • * 1 teaspoon of Baharat
  • * another egg (for beating)
  • * some flour
  • * some breadcrumbs
  • * oil for deep frying
  • For the Salsa
  • * 1 large onion, diced finely
  • * 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • * 1 small can of chickpeas (garbanzo), drained
  • * 1 can of roma tomatoes, crushed
  • * three quarters of a teaspoon of cumin seeds, dry roasted and ground
  • * salt and pepper
  • For the Cous Cous
  • * 1 cup water
  • * 2 Tablespoons of olive oil
  • * 1 teaspoon of salt
  • * 1 cup cous cous (medium grain)
  • * 2 teaspoons of butter


  • In a saucepan, place the five large eggs and a little salt and 3/4 fill with cold water. Cover and place on high heat. When it starts to boil, set your timer for 10 minutes. I hard boil my eggs in this way to avoid shell cracking that is far too frequent if you put cold eggs in already boiling water.
  • While the eggs are boiling, pass your mince through a mincer. Yes, I do indeed mean that you should re-mince the minced meat. This will provide a finer grade mince, that will bind together in a more satisfactory way when we come to coat the eggs.
  • Mix into the twice minced meat one teaspoon of Baharat.
  • Once the 10 mins is up, remove the pan from the stove and place under running cold water (dont forget to remove the lid, and dont ask why I felt the need to mention this). After a minute or so, the eggs should be cool enough to peel, do so, discarding the shell, and place the eggs aside.
  • Divide the mince into five equal portions.
  • Now for each egg, take a portion of meat and flatten it out. Take an egg, place the middle of the flattened meat on top of the pointy end of the egg, and mould the rest of the meat around the egg. Massage it a little to get a seamless layer of meat over the egg. Set aside. repeat.
  • Once all the eggs are coated in meat, prepare the salsa.
  • In a saucepan (possibly the same one you boiled the eggs in, after a quick wash), saute the onion in a little olive oil. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes and garlic when the onion is translucent. Dry roast and grind your cumin seeds and add them with the salt and pepper to the saucepan. Stir, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally.
  • Now back to the eggs. Heat the deep frying oil in you deep fryer to setting 8 (3rd highest setting).
  • Roll the meat coated eggs in a little flour.
  • Beat an egg with a teaspoon of water in a small bowl. Roll the floured eggs in the beaten egg and then immediately roll in the breadcrumbs. Set aside.


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Serves 5