Roast Duck With Orange Juice

Roast Duck With Orange Juice
  • Author: tei0921

When it comes to culinary traditions worldwide, duck is a cherished ingredient that holds a special place in dishes from various cultures. In this recipe, we'll be focusing on crafting a delectable duck breast paired with a distinctive sauce. By searing the duck to create a beautifully browned exterior and finishing it off in the oven, we pave the way for a succulent and rich main course. Elevating this dish further, we prepare a unique sauce using a medley of orange juice, brandy, wine vinegar, and other flavorful components. The result is a harmonious blend of textures and tastes that transform a simple meal into a delightful culinary experience.

— Constant Cookbook


  • Ingredients:
  • duck breast 300g
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • potato,sliced
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • butter
  • rosemary
  • Sauce:
  • Brandy 60g
  • Orange juice 200g
  • vinegar 20g
  • Red wine 10g
  • Black pepper
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Oliver


  • Duck is an important ingredient in French, Chinese, and Japanese food. I have ever cooked duck breast before, but this time I try to make a more specific sauce to this dish.
  • First of all, heat the duck in a frying pan to brown skin, then roast it in oven.
  • Use orange juice,brandy,wine vinegar to mix specific sauce.
  • Then heat the tomatoes and mushrooms with rosemary and butter in frying pan.
  • When duck is ready, place all in a platter and serve with sauce.


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Serves 1