Rice Krispie Ghosts

Rice Krispie Ghosts
  • Author: gazza_l

These spooky and delicious Ghostly Marshmallow Crispy Treats are a fun and easy snack to make for Halloween. Melting marshmallows with butter creates a gooey and sweet base, while mixing in Rice Krispies or Ricicles adds a crispy texture. Shape the mixture into ghost forms and decorate with dried fruit and coconut for a spooky appearance. You can get creative with different shapes and designs to make your treats unique and festive for the season.

— Constant Cookbook


  • ½ tsp butter or margarine
  • 110g white marshmallows
  • 90g Kelloggs Rice Krispies or Ricicles
  • 50g desiccated coconut
  • dried cranberries, currants or blueberries for eyes and mouth


  • Melt butter or margarine in a large saucepan over a low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat
  • Add Rice Krispies or Ricicles and stir until well coated
  • While mixture is still warm, shape with wet or greased hands into any desired design and roll or press coconut onto surface
  • Attach decorations of choice using a little melted chocolate or prepared icing. If cut, most dried fruit will stick without needing to do this
  • To make flat ghost shapes, flatten mixture onto a greased 33 x 20cm swiss roll baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper, using a greased spatula. The quantity will fill half the tray
  • Depending on required size, cut mixture into squares or rectangles prior to cutting out ghost shapes which can then be bent into required shapes
  • To make 3D ghosts, cone shapes can be made by cutting out triangles and folding round


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Makes 8 cakes