Really Sweet Eton Mess

Really Sweet Eton Mess
  • Author: wild_ice

Indulge in a decadent dessert with this creamy and fruity Eton Mess recipe. Whisked cream combined with meringue, brandy snaps, and liqueur chocolates create a luscious base, while the addition of mascarpone cheese and chestnut puree adds a rich and silky texture. Topped with a medley of fresh berries and cherries, this dessert is a delightful treat for any occasion.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 tub of mascarpone cheese
  • 1 large tub of double cream
  • ½ packet of meringue nests
  • ½ packet of brandy snaps
  • Half box of cheap liqueur chocolates (cherry works well)
  • 2 packets of either: Raspberries, blackberries, chopped strawberries, stoned cherries ( or use some of each)
  • 2 tbsp chestnut puree (you can buy this in tins)


  • Whisk the cream until it just holds its shape and then break in the meringue nests, brandy snaps and chocolates. Beat all together with a wooden spoon and add the mascarpone and chestnut puree and fruit.
  • Beat again and serve immediately - with maybe a drizzle of your favourite liqueur over the top.


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Serves 4