Quick Japanese Ramen

Quick Japanese Ramen
  • Author: chris210

This hearty noodle soup is a symphony of flavors and textures, with tender chicken, vibrant vegetables, and fragrant broth coming together in a delicious and comforting bowl. The gentle warmth of ginger, the freshness of leek and carrot, and the umami richness of the stock cubes create a satisfying base for the chewy noodles, crispy beansprouts, and delicate spinach. With each spoonful, you'll savor a harmonious blend of savory goodness that's perfect for any mealtime.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 Leek
  • 1 Carrot
  • 3 cm length of Ginger
  • 3 Chicken stock cubes
  • 1/2 Pork Stock Cube
  • 1/2 Fish Stock Cube
  • 1 Litre water
  • 1 Tbs vegtable oil
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 2 sheets seaweed (thinly shredded)
  • 1/2 pack fresh spinache
  • 1 pack of noddles
  • two handfulls of beensprouts
  • 2 Spring Onions (thinly sliced)


  • Finely slice (or blitz in the food processor) the leek, carrot and giner. Add to a pot and add 1 Litre of cold water. Bring to the boil and add 2 chicken stock cubes and the half pork and half fish cubes. Stir together until cubes are disolved and drain the liquid through a sieve.
  • Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook noodles as the packet instructs. When done drain and run under cold water. Distribute between the two bowls.
  • Slice the chicken breast in two through the centre to produce two thin breast pirces (side and flat). Mash the third chicken stock cube to a paste with the vegtable oil and massage into the chicken pieces. Bring a griddle or frying pan to heat and fry the chicken. When completely cooked transfer to a small plate, cover in cling film to retain moisture and leave to rest for 5-10 minutes.
  • Now your ready to assemble the dish. Bring the stock back up to the boil and keep it there for when you are ready. Add spinache to the bowls on top of the noodles. Top with shredded seaweed. Toss the beansprouts into the stock to cook. Thinkly slice the chicken and arrange in the bowls. Pour over the boiling stock with the beansprouts going with it. Top with spring onions.
  • Serve with chop sticks or if yoru less adventurous forks.


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Serves 2