Posh Baked Beans

Posh Baked Beans
  • Author: pennsmithuk

Warm up your kitchen with this colorful and hearty one-pot chilli and vegetable medley. Combining the subtle heat of chilli and ginger with a variety of fresh and canned veggies, this dish is a cozy and satisfying meal that is sure to please your taste buds. The comforting aroma of this stew bubbling away on the stove will have your family eagerly anticipating dinnertime. Serve it with a side of crusty bread for a complete and delicious meal.

— Constant Cookbook


  • chilli
  • ginger
  • any veg in the cupboard eg
  • carrots
  • cauliflower
  • green beans
  • celery
  • pepper
  • 1 tin baked beans
  • 1 tin chopped tomatoes
  • squirt of tomato paste
  • coriander


  • chop then fry chilli and ginger
  • chop veg, then fry or steam
  • add beans plus tin tomatoes and paste
  • if there is time available, bubble gently for a short while till beans are more tender
  • serve with crusty bread, or eat by itself


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Serves 2