Parsnip, Leak Gratin.

Parsnip, Leak Gratin.

This creamy parsnip and leek gratin is a comforting dish that brings together the earthy sweetness of parsnips, the mild onion flavor of leeks, and the richness of melted cheese. Each layer is carefully seasoned and bathed in a velvety cream mixture before baking to golden perfection. With a crispy top and a gooey center, this gratin is a wonderful side dish for any occasion.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 500g parsnips, peeled..
  • 25g butter
  • 2 leeks, washed peeled and sliced
  • 150 ml double cream
  • 15O ml milk
  • 1 crushed garlic clove
  • 200g pack of Pie d'Angloys cheese, rind removed and sliced.


  • Heat oven to 180 degs, 350F, gas 4. Slice parsnips thinly and place in bowl of water for 10 mins. drain we'll and pat dry.
  • Heat half butter in pan and fry leaks for 3 mins until tender. Set aside.
  • Grease baking tin or dish. Heat cream and milk along with garlic until almost boiling and set aside.
  • Layer parsnips and leeks and cheese in dish, seasoning between each layer. Pour over cream mixture and dot with butter.
  • Cover with foil and bake for 45 mins. Remove foil and bake for another 30 mins.


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Serves 4