Pan Bagnat

Pan Bagnat
  • Author: wiels000

Capture the flavors of Italy with these mouthwatering Italian bun sandwiches. Layers of savory salami, creamy mozzarella, peppery rocket, flavorful mortadella, juicy tomatoes, fresh basil, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper are stacked inside olive oil-infused buns, creating a delicious medley of textures and tastes. Chilled overnight to allow the flavors to meld, these sandwiches are perfect for a satisfying meal on the go or a delightful picnic treat.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 4 Italian buns
  • 10 tbsp olive oil
  • 8 slices of salami
  • 200 gr mozzarella in slices
  • 75 gr rocket
  • 8 slices of mortadella
  • 4 tomatoes in slices
  • handful of basil
  • salt and pepper


  • Cut the heads of the buns and save them.
  • Scoop the bread out of the buns
  • Smear the insides of the buns with olive oil.
  • Fill the buns in layers: start with salami, mozzarella,roket,mortadella, tomato,basil,salt and peper.
  • When you have filled all the buns drizzle them with olive oil and put the heads of the buns on top
  • Wrap the buns tight in clingfilm and put them in the fridge so you can eat them preferably the next day.


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Serves 4