Olive & Cheese Loaf

Olive & Cheese Loaf
  • Author: 2westviewterrace

This savory loaf is a delightful combination of gooey cheese, savory ham, and flavorful olives, all encased in a moist and tender bread. Perfect for a cozy meal or as a tasty snack, this recipe is easy to make and always a hit with family and friends. Give it a try and indulge in the delicious flavors of this cheesy delight!

— Constant Cookbook


  • 100ml Olive Oil + extra for the tin
  • 250g Self-raising flour
  • 100 firm mozzarella or gruyere style cheese grated
  • 100 diced ham
  • 50g olives
  • half teaspoon black pepper
  • 3 eggs


  • Heat oven to 200C. Oil 22cm x 12cm loaf tin.
  • Combine the flour, cheese,ham, olives, salt & pepper in a mixing bowl.
  • In another bowl whisk the eggs and 100ml olive oil.
  • Mix togerther. spoon into tin and smooth top.
  • Bake the loaf for 30 mins.


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Serves 8