Mixed Berry Mousse

Mixed Berry Mousse
  • Author: padwan88

This delightful mixed berry mousse recipe features a luscious blend of frozen berries, airy whipped egg whites, and a hint of zesty lemon juice. The smooth and fruity mousse makes for a refreshing and elegant dessert, perfect for any occasion. Top it off with a drizzle of berry juice and fresh berries for an extra burst of flavor and a visually stunning finish. This dessert is simple to make yet impressively delicious, making it a delightful treat for you and your loved ones.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 3 fresh free range eggs
  • 4 tbsp light granulated sugar
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 300g frozen mixed berries


  • In a pan of simmering water, add the mixture of frozen berries and half the amount of sugar. Cook the berries until they feel soft.
  • When the berries are soft, turn off the heat. Drain, keeping the juice. With the drained berries, using a processor, pulse the berries into a thick mixture, pour into a bowl and leave to cool
  • Separate the eggs. Using the egg whites only and the 1/2 - 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice (depending on your own taste), in a clean food processor whisk until soft peaks form. At this stage add the last of the sugar. Whisk until firm peaks form - when the whisk leaves deep markings in the white mixture.
  • Add 1 spoonful of the egg white to the mixed berries. stir the egg white in quickly until all combined.
  • Now gradually fold the rest of the whites into the berry mixture. Do this slowly and carefully. Doing this too quickly will knock out all the air from the whites. Do not combine all the mixture, leave some of the whites still showing.
  • To serve, spoon the mixture into 4 tall glasses. Leave to set for 2-3 hours in the fridge. You can leave them to set over night. Once set drizzle the kept berry juice over the mousse, and top with fresh berries. The berry juice is also ideal for making smoothies, Jelly, and ice cream with :) enjoy.


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Serves 4