Mille - Feuille

Mille - Feuille
  • Author: cookwithanna

This delectable recipe combines layers of crisp, golden puff pastry with luscious fillings of whipped cream, sweet raspberry jam, and rich creme patissiere. Topped with a simple yet elegant icing, this mille-feuille dessert is a perfect blend of textures and flavors – a delightful treat that will impress your guests!

— Constant Cookbook


  • - 250g puff pastry
  • - 3 tbsp raspberry jam
  • - 150ml whipped double cream
  • - 2 eggs
  • - 60g vanilla sugar
  • - 30g plain flour
  • - 300ml milk
  • ICING:
  • - 125g icing sugar
  • - 2 tbsp water


  • Put the eggs, vanilla sugar and the flour in a bowl and add a little milk from the 300ml and mix until smooth. Put the rest of the milk in a saucepan and almost bring it to the boil. When done pour it to the egg mixture and mix well. Wash the saucepan and return the egg mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle heat for 15-20 minutes or until thickened.
  • Put the cream into a bowl and cover it with cling film gently press it over the surface to prevent skin from forming. Leave it to cool.
  • Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface and roll the pastry . Cut it in 3 10X30cm rectangles, pierce the pastry with a fork and bake them at 220 C /425C/gas 7 in a baking tray with greaseproof paper for 10-15 minutes or until crisp and golden.
  • When they are ready take them out of the oven and let them cool.
  • In the mean time make the icing, put the sugar with 2 tbsp of water in a bowl and mix everything together, spread over one of the rectangles and leave it to set.
  • Take a second pastry rectangle and spread the raspberry jam and the whipped cream.
  • Put the third rectangle on top of the whipped cream and spread the creme patissiere.
  • Top with the iced pastry rectangle. Cut it in 2-3 cm stripes. Chill the mille-feuille in the fridge until ready to serve.


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Serves 8