Lancashire Hotpot

Lancashire Hotpot
  • Author: misshotpot

This hearty recipe layers tender lamb chops, sliced potatoes, and onions in a flavorful stock, resulting in a comforting and savory dish that is perfect for a cozy dinner. The combination of ingredients creates a delicious meal that is sure to warm both your kitchen and your soul.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 6 medium potatoes
  • 2 lamb chops
  • 1 whole onion
  • 1/4 of a pint of stock (either use proper stock or put bouillon powder to boiling water)
  • Salt and pepper


  • First trim excess fat off lamb chop-do not trim all fat off because we need some to give flavour.
  • Next slice potatoes as thick as a pound coin. If you are under pressure with time, slice potatoes more thinly.
  • After that chop onion in half through the middle of the root (length ways) then start chopping thinly and reasonably long.
  • Now to this recipe I shall use bouillon powder and boiling water to make stock, if you choose to make proper stock skip this step. Boil water then add bouillon powder.
  • Also in your pan open the lid and grease the pan with butter.
  • Now it is time for layering. Put salt and pepper on each layer and a little more on the meat. Put some potatoes as the bottom layer, then put some of your onions on the potatoes,after that put your lamb chops on after (I am serving two today so I will add all my lamb chops in now but if you are serving more add it on after the second layer of onions), now do another layer of potatoes-don't use all of them, now use the last of the onions, finally put the rest of the potatoes on (there should be the most potatoes on this final layer).Finally put butter on the potatoes so they brown when you take the lid off.
  • Finally put it on the hob until simmering, then put in the oven at gas mark 3 for two hours , if pressed for time put it in the oven at gas mark 7 for approximately one hour.


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Serves 2