Ice-Cream Party

Ice-Cream Party
  • Author: andy1890

This fun and indulgent ice cream sundae recipe combines creamy vanilla or chocolate ice cream with a variety of colorful and tasty toppings. From sprinkles and M&M's to fresh fruit and Oreo cookies, this sundae is a delightful treat that you can easily customize to your taste preferences. Finish it off with a drizzle of chocolate syrup and a dollop of light whipped cream for the perfect finishing touch. Enjoy the sweet and satisfying flavors in every spoonful of this delightful dessert!

— Constant Cookbook


  • Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream
  • 1 tsp Sprinkles
  • Cherry(s)
  • Banana
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Light Whipped Cream
  • Bowl
  • Spoons
  • OREO!
  • M&M's


  • Get 2 or 3 scoops of Ice-Cream Into Bowl.
  • Get Banana.
  • Decorate With Sprinkles.
  • Decorate With M&M's.
  • Topping With Light Whipped Cream or Chocolate Syrup.
  • Top on with 1 or more Cherry's.
  • Put How many you want OREO! Cookies On your Ice-Cream.
  • Done!


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Serves 4