Hedgerow Jelly (Jam)

Hedgerow Jelly (Jam)

Capture the essence of the hedgerow in this delightful mixed fruit jelly recipe. A vibrant combination of blackberries, elderberries, sloes, damsons, wild plums, haws, and rosehips meld with apples to create a harmonious symphony of flavors. This beautifully hued jelly is perfect for spreading on toast, pairing with scones, or adding a touch of sweetness to savory dishes.

— Constant Cookbook


  • a variety fruit from the hedgerow or garden: blackberries, elderberries, sloes, damsons, wild plums, haws, rosehips.
  • An equal weight of either cooking or crab apples
  • Sugar: preserving or cane, 1lb (500g) per 1 pint (600ml) juice


  • Wash and pick over the fruit, discarding any that are damaged
  • Wash and cut up the apples, cutting out any bruises. Don't peel or core them
  • Put all into a preserving pan with a little water and simmer until soft and it's mostly juice
  • Put into a jelly bag and strain overnight
  • Measure the juice (n.b. Don't squeeze the jelly bag or the result will be cloudy)
  • Return to the pan and add 1lb (500g) per 1pt (600ml) of juice and allow to dissolve over a low heat.
  • Boil rapidly until setting point is reached. (A knob of butter helps get rid of any scum)
  • Put into steralised jars, cover and label.
  • Enjoy on toast, scones, rice pudding; with cold meat; or in a sauce for venison or pork


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Makes 6 jars