Heart Shaped Bread!!

Heart Shaped Bread!!
  • Author: sarah97

This recipe will guide you through creating a delightful heart-shaped bread filled with savory goodness. With a combination of cheese and bacon encased in a soft, fluffy dough, this bread is perfect for sharing love through homemade baking.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 250g strong bread flour
  • 150ml tepid water
  • 2tsp dried yeast
  • 1tsp sugar
  • Half tsp salt
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • 60g cheese
  • 60g bacon
  • Large bowl
  • grater (if needed)
  • knife (if needed)
  • chopping board (if needed)


  • Before you start cooking make sure you have washed your hands and also that your hair is tied back (if needed). Preheat the oven to about 200 degrees celcius.
  • Put the flour, water, yeast, olive oil, salt and sugar all into a bowl and mix it all together (preferably with a fork but you can use a spoon) until it becomes a dough mixture.
  • Then knead the dough for about 5-6 minutes, untill it has a smooth and elastic-like texture.
  • After you have done this, leave the bread dough to prove for about half an hour, to do this, wrap it in cling foil and leave it in a warm place (for example on a warm window ledge) to doubke in size.
  • Now for the fun bit! Take the cling film off and knock the air out of the dough, then roll your dough out so that it has a fairly large area. Then add your cheese and bacon, you can add as much or as little of the 60g as you like!
  • After you have done this, close your dough back up and shape it into your heart shape (if you would prefer to do another shape feel free!)
  • *(OPTIONAL) Add a few slits in the top of your bread dough and add a salt water glaze for a shiny and crunchy end result. You may also add sesame seeds or any other seeds you wish.
  • After you have done this, leave it to prove for a final time for 30 minutes to an hour until it has doubled in size once more.
  • Once you have done this, place your heart shaped bread into the oven to cook for about 12-15 minutes.
  • Once the time is up, take the bread out of the oven and make sure it is good by tapping the bottom of your bread, if it sounds hollow its done, if it doesn't put it back into the oven for a few minutes until it does. After it is ready, it is now time eat your own homemade heart shaped bread!


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Serves 4