Fried Shrimps

Fried Shrimps
  • Author: sigridverbert

Golden Crispy Shrimp Tempura is a mouthwatering dish featuring succulent shrimp coated in a light, airy batter and fried to perfection. The shrimps are delicately seasoned and enhanced with a flavorful combination of soybean sauce and honey reduction. This dish makes for a delightful and satisfying appetizer or main course that is sure to impress your guests with its crispy texture and savory taste.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 200g all-purpose flour
  • 5g dry yeast
  • 500g shrimps, cleaned
  • sesam sead
  • 2dl soybean sauce
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1l oil for frying


  • Dissolve the yeast in 1 glass warmluke water. Add to the flour, toghether with a small pinch of salt, and mix with a fork, adding some more water untill you get a medium liquid dough. Cover and let rest for one hour.
  • Poor the soybeab sauce and the honey in a small saucepann and cook for 5 minutes over high heat till the mixture thikens in a littlee. Set aside.
  • Heat the oil in a wok. Take back the risen dough, mix it quickly and dip one shrimp at a time in the batter. Sprinkle with some sesam seed and put it in the hot oil. Fry 4-5 shrimps at a time until golden, thes take then out with a clotted spoon and put them to drain on a few layers of paper. Sprinkle with a little salt.
  • Serve the fried shrimps immediately with the soy reduction on the side, as a dip.


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Serves 4