Foe Yong Hay

Foe Yong Hay
  • Author: wiels000

This comforting Dutch speklappen dish combines tender slices of pork belly with a rich and flavorful sauce featuring a blend of spices and savory ingredients. The speklappen are cooked to perfection, then combined with a medley of vegetables and a zesty sauce that elevates the flavors to create a hearty and satisfying meal. Enjoy this classic Dutch recipe that is sure to warm your heart and delight your taste buds!

— Constant Cookbook


  • 5 speklappen
  • 2 uien
  • knoflook,peterselie,selderij,prei, kool
  • vleesbouillon\azijn, suiker, zout,peper, ketjap
  • bindbindel
  • poesta- +chillisaus
  • tomatenpuree


  • speklappen snijden en koken
  • ui en knoflook fruiten. Selderij en kool erbij en zachtjes fruiten
  • Sausje:vleesbouillon,azijn, tomatenpuree, water,peper en zout en binden. daarna poesta- en chillisaus erbij naar smaak
  • Omelet bakken en met elkaar vermengen


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Serves 4