Five Cheese Pasta

Five Cheese Pasta
  • Author: harley121202

This indulgent baked pasta dish brings together a medley of rich and creamy cheeses, mixed with roasted tomatoes bursting with flavor. The combination of buffalo mozzarella, gorgonzola, gruyere, parmesan, mascarpone, and double cream creates a luscious sauce that marries beautifully with the al dente pasta. Topped with crispy panko breadcrumbs for a delightful crunch, this dish is perfect for a comforting meal shared with loved ones.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 2 Buffalo Mozzarella balls, chopped
  • 250g Gorgonzola, chopped
  • 250g Gruyere, coarsely grated
  • 200g Parmigiano Reggiano Parmesan cheese, finely grated
  • 250g Mascarpone, mixed and softened with a spoon
  • 200ml Double cream
  • x2 Packs on the vine baby plum tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • 750g Good dried pasta, any interesting shape which will hold the sauce well
  • Panko (Japanese breadcrumbs available from all asian supermarkets, if you cant find these make your own but fry them off and crisp them up first)
  • Seasoning


  • Put a large pan of boiling salted water on and bring to the boil. Once boiling, add the pasta and cook until very al dente. The dish will be finished in the oven so you dont want the pasta too well cooked. Meanwhile, place the tomatoes on the vine into a roasting pan and drizzle with a little oil and some balsamic vinegar. Season and bake in a moderate oven for 20 mins or until the skins are starting to colour and pucker. Mix the prepared cheeses into a large bowl with the cream. The mixture will seem very thick but this will all melt down in the oven. Season and mix well, but will need more pepper than salt as the cheeses are quite salty, especially the parmesan, tast a little as you go. Once the tomatoes are cooked, remove from the vine and mix into the cheese mix, crushing them a little as you go. Add the drained pasta and mix well. Check for seasoning and place into either small gratin dishes and cook individually or into a large ovenproof dish. Scatter generousely with the breadcrumbs and place into a moderate oven for20-30 mins or until the cheese is bubbling and the breadcrumbs are starting to brown. Serve with a rocket salad and warm ciabatta bread. Great cooked in a large dish and served at the table so people can help themselves.


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Serves 8