Family Fritatta

Family Fritatta
  • Author: harley121202

This recipe is a delightful combination of fluffy eggs, savory bacon, juicy tomatoes, and melty cheddar cheese all mixed together to create a delicious frittata. With the flavors blending perfectly, every bite is a burst of breakfast goodness that is satisfying and flavorful. Give this recipe a try for a hearty and wholesome meal that is perfect for any time of day.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 10 eggs
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • Large handful baby plum tomatoes, halved
  • 6 rashers back bacon, rind removed and chopped
  • Cheddar cheese cut into 20 or so small cubes


  • In a large mixing jug, whisk the eggs. Cook the onions in a little oil until soft and remove from pan, putting in with the eggs. Fry the bacon until browned and remove from pan, also putting in with the eggs. Cook the tomatoes until browned, squeeze out some of the juice with the back of the spoon (if too much water is in the fritatta it wont set properly) and put the drained tomatoes into the eggs, mixing the fried ingredients into the egg. Put a little oil in a clean, good non stick pan and when the oil is hot enough, add the egg mixture, popping the cheese cubes into the egg all over. Cook on a low to medium heat until starting to set through to the middle. When you get to this point, place under a hot grill for 5 mins or so to finish cooking through. Slice into 6 wedges and serve...


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Serves 6