Fabulous Pancakes

Fabulous Pancakes
  • Author: rachelchamberlain14

Delight your taste buds with these fluffy and golden pancakes, perfect for a cozy breakfast or a sweet treat any time of the day. This simple recipe requires just a few basic ingredients and a non-stick pan to create the most delicious stack of pancakes. Top them off with your favorite syrup, a squeeze of fresh lemon, and a sprinkle of sugar for an irresistible finish. Enjoy the process of making these pancakes and savor every bite of these delightful treats.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 120g Plain Flour
  • 210ml Milk (plus a little extra)
  • 1 egg
  • Tiny pinch of salt
  • To serve:
  • 1 lemon
  • syrup
  • Sugar


  • Weigh flour and put it in a large mixing bowl. In the meantime heat up a large non-stick pan (if you do not have a non-stick frying pan heat it up slowly and add a tiny knob of butter just before adding the batter). Heat the pan on a medium-high heat, this will make sure your first pancake is just as amazing as the rest.
  • Next beat up one egg in a jug until it is nice and frothy. Add this to the flour as well as the tiny pinch of salt.
  • Measure up the milk in the jug and add to the mixture. Whisk the mixture slowly at first to get all the ingredients mixed. Then increase the speed to make the mixture nice and frothy. It should be lovely and thick so now add in a little more milk to your required consistency and whisk really fast once again.
  • Using a ladel scoop some of the mixture into the pan. For a large pancake in a large pan i would use a ladel and a half. Angle the pan so the pancake mix is evenly speed out.
  • The panckae should now begin to turn to a darker shade of yellow. Use a spatula to gently ease up the sides. If you can shake the pan and the pancake moves it will nearly be ready or will be ready to be turned over. Timings all depend on how thick your pancake are, so give thicker ones longer.
  • Once pancake has been cooked nicely on both sides, serve on a plate with what ever topping you like. I always go for a squeeze of fresh lemon, a little bit of sugar and some syrup then roll it over and squeeze some more lemon and sprinkle some sugar on top to finish.
  • Repeat process for the rest of the pancakes. Now the pan is perfect and hot the bottom of the pancakes should now be a lovely golden brown and the air bubbles should rise straight to the top.


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Serves 6