Exotic Mushroom Tempura

Exotic Mushroom Tempura
  • Author: lhood13

Golden Tempura Mushroom Mix with Dipping Sauce

Indulge in a crispy and flavorful Japanese-style dish with this golden tempura mushroom mix recipe. The assortment of shiitake, enoki, buna shimeji, and shiro shimeji mushrooms are coated in a light and crispy tempura batter. Served with a tangy and savory dipping sauce made with soy sauce, mirin, grated radish, and ginger, this dish will transport your taste buds to Japan. Enjoy this delightful meal with sticky rice for an authentic dining experience.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 150g Shiitake
  • 180g Enoki
  • 150g Golden Enoki
  • 160g Buna Shimeji
  • 160g Shiro Shimeji
  • 220g Tempura Flour Mix (with egg)
  • 175ml cold water
  • 1l Sunflower Oil (for deep frying)
  • For the Dipping Sauce
  • 20g Radish, 20g Ginger, 6tbsp Soy Sauce, 6 tbsp Mirin


  • Separate the Buna Shimeji and Shiro Shimeji into quarters, carve an X into the caps of the Shiitake (helps the heat pass through) and break the Enoki into 4 bunches
  • Next, prepare the Tempura mix. Add the cold water to the batter mix but do not mix thoroughly, just stir the water in with two turns of the spoon. There will still be lumps of flour and the consistency will not be smooth, but this is key for a lighter, crispier batter
  • Heat the oil in a large pan for frying but do not let it boil, just bring to a simmer
  • Coat the mushrooms in the batter and place into the oil to fry
  • Fry the mushrooms for 2-3 minutes until the batter is crispy and golden- keeping the Tempura warm is essential so once fried, transfer to a warm oven
  • For the dipping sauce, grate the ginger and radish and set to one side. Heat the mirin for about 2 minutes, again not allowing it to boil! Then add the soy sauce and mix together.When the sauce is mixed, pour into dipping pots along with the radish and ginger
  • Serve the tempura with some sticky rice and the dipping sauce, for an authentic Japanese style meal


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Serves 4