Effortless Eton Mess

Effortless Eton Mess
  • Author: l-mungavin

This delightful recipe brings together sweet meringue, whipped cream, and fresh berries to create a wonderfully messy yet heavenly dessert. The meringue is light and crisp, the cream is perfectly whipped with a hint of vanilla, and the juicy raspberries and strawberries add a burst of fresh fruitiness. It's a simple yet impressive treat that will have your taste buds singing with joy.

— Constant Cookbook


  • For the meringue:
  • 4 egg whites
  • 225g golden caster sugar
  • For the "mess":
  • Carton whipping cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • x1 punnet of raspberries
  • x1 punnet of strawberries
  • Icing sugar, to dust over top


  • Preheat the oven to 120C/fan 100C/gas 1/2 and prepare a baking sheet, covered with greaseproof paper.
  • Use an electric whisk to whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until they form stiff and shiny peaks. Then, add the sugar and whisk until the meringue is stands up in peaks when the bowl is turned upside down. Spoon the mixture onto the baking sheet and cook for 4 hours. Then, turn the oven off and leave the meringue inside to cool overnight. The meringue should be dry to the touch and sound hollow when tapped.
  • Wash the fruit. Hull the strawberries and chop into halves or quarters.
  • Crumble the meringue into a large serving bowl (the bigger the better, as you need room to mix).
  • Meanwhile, add the vanilla essence to the cream and whip using an electric whisk.
  • Then add the cream and fruit to the meringue. Mix well - it will be messy! Dust over some icing sugar and serve.


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Serves 6