Dot's Pimms

Dot's Pimms
  • Author: lindilouwrens

Quench your thirst and transport yourself to a summer garden party with this refreshing Pimm's cocktail recipe. A delightful blend of Pimm's, soda water, lemonade, and ginger beer, infused with the vibrant flavors of mint, raspberries, and lime. This drink is a celebration in a glass, perfect for sipping on a sunny afternoon.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 250ml Pimm's
  • 250ml soda water
  • 250ml lemonade
  • 250ml ginger beer
  • Few sprigs of mint, bruised, but left whole
  • 100g raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 limes quartered and juiced, including skins.


  • Mix all liquids starting with the Pimm's in a large serving jug. No need to stir as this will make it lose its fizz.


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Serves 5