Custard IceCream

Custard IceCream
  • Author: lollychisholm

Creamy and decadent, this recipe combines the richness of evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and smooth custard to create a delightful frozen treat. Perfect for a hot summer day or a special dessert, this homemade ice cream is sure to satisfy your cravings for a cool and creamy indulgence. Serve it as is or drizzle with some luscious chocolate sauce for an extra touch of sweetness.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 tin evaporated milk (Ideal)
  • 1 tin condense milk
  • 500ml ready made custard ( long life )


  • Place evaporated milk in the fridge over night
  • Open the tin, pour into bowl and beat until thick and creamy
  • Add the condense milk and custard and beat until well blended.
  • Place in a 1 litre ice cream tub
  • Place in freezer and let it set.
  • Serve as is or with chocolate sauce


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Makes 1 litre