Crunchie Bar

Crunchie Bar
  • Author: cooker4

This recipe for homemade Crunchie bars combines the sweet crunch of caramelized sugar with the smooth decadence of chocolate. With just a few simple steps and the right tools on hand, you can create these delightful treats to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings. Remember to read through the instructions thoroughly before getting started to ensure a successful outcome. Enjoy the irresistible combination of crispy honeycomb covered in rich chocolate with this easy-to-follow recipe.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 2 table spoons caster sugar,
  • 2 table spoons golden syrup,
  • 1 tea spoon biocarbanate of soda,
  • 80 grams plain chocolate,
  • 1 table spoon of water.


  • First set out all the utensils, which includes:
  • 2 pans,
  • 1 glass bowls,
  • 1 plastic tuppaware,
  • some cling film,
  • spatular,
  • 2 wooden spoons,
  • weighing scales,
  • 1 wooden rolling pin,
  • 1 large plate,
  • 2 table spoons and
  • 1 tea spoon.
  • Secondly, measure out the caster sugar and the golden syrup, then add to a small pan and turn on the heat.
  • While the sugar mixture is heating up, weigh out the chocolate and water then add to a glass bowl. Then use the double boiler method. (To make a double boiler, you have to put water in to a pan then let it boil. After that you add the bowl of chocolate and water.)
  • While the water is boiling stir the sugar mixture until smooth and runny. By this point there should be no sugar grains in the pan. Then take off the heat and add biocarbanate of soda.A fizzing reaction should appear. Then put the cling film inside the tuppaware and gently, using the spatular scrape out all the mixture. Now leave to set.
  • Return to the boiling water and place bowl on top of pan. This should instantly start to melt the chocolate. Now turn watere temperature down to a simmer heat (low). REMEMBER : keep the water on a low heat. If heat is high, chocolate starts to thicken.
  • If chocolate starts to thicken, don't worry: just add another tablespoon of water to the chocolate. This should make it runny again.
  • The sugar mixture should be hard. If not leave it to set for another 15 minutes. Next, carefully pull each side of the cling film up and this should ease the mixture up and out of the mould.
  • Next, get out the rolling pin and hit the mixture so it will crack into pieces.
  • Finally put the heat back on the chocolate so it's warm. Now dip the Crunchie pieces in to chocolate and lay flat on your large plate.
  • Leave to cool and eat!


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Makes 6 bars