Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream

Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Author: jbmummy

This easy no-churn ice cream recipe results in a lusciously creamy and indulgent dessert that's sure to please your taste buds. The simple combination of fresh double cream, condensed milk, and a hint of vanilla essence creates a base that serves as a canvas for your creativity. Whether you stick with the classic vanilla or explore the exciting alternative flavor options, this homemade ice cream is bound to be a delightful treat that you'll enjoy creating and savoring.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 600ml fresh Double Cream (don't be tempted to use Elmlea!)
  • 2 x 397g tins Condensed Milk
  • Vanilla Essence


  • Beat the cream with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
  • Add the condensed milk and mix well.
  • Add essence to taste.
  • Pour into freezer-safe container and freeze for minimum 24 hours.
  • Replace the vanilla essence with any of the following :
  • * Crushed Crunchie Bar and caramel sauce
  • * Fresh raspberries and fruit sauce
  • * Grated chocolate and chocolate sauce
  • * Rhubarb compote and crushed shortbread biscuits
  • Any flavour you like...


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Serves 8