Courgette Fritters, Chilli Jam

Courgette Fritters, Chilli Jam
  • Author: markstevens1986

These courgette fritters are a delightful mix of crispy and savory goodness. Grated courgette, Parmesan cheese, and eggs come together to create a flavorful batter that gets fried to golden perfection. Served with a sweet and spicy chili jam, these fritters are a wonderful appetizer or snack that is bound to impress your guests.

— Constant Cookbook


  • Make 12 Fritters:
  • 450g grated courgette
  • 50g freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 eggs beaten
  • 60ml/4 tbsp plain flour
  • vegtable oil
  • salt and pepper
  • For the chilli jam:
  • 75ml/5tbsp olive oil
  • 4 large onions, diced
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 green chillis, seeded and sliced
  • 30ml/2 tbsp dark brown soft sugar


  • First make chilli jam, heat the oil in a frying pan until hot, then add the onions and garlic. Reduce the heat to low, and cook for 20 minutes, stiring frequently, until the onions are very soft.
  • Leave the onions to cool then tansfer to a blender. Add the chillis and sugar and blend till smooth then return mixture to saucepan. Cook fo a further 10 mins, stirring fequently, untill the liquid evaporates and the mixture has the consistency of jam. Cool slightly
  • To make the fritters, squeeze the courgette in a dish towel to emove any excess liquid, then combine with the parmasan, eggs, flour and salt and pepper.
  • Heat enough oil to cover the base of a frying pan. Add 30ml/2 tbsp of the mixture for each fritter and cook 3 at a time for 2-3 minuteson each side untill golden. Then keep warm till you have cooked the rest of the fritters. Drain on paper towel, serve warm with a spoonful of chilli jam.


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Makes 12 portions