Chocolate Thank-You Cake

Chocolate Thank-You Cake
  • Author: naomi98

This delightful chocolate cake is a decadent treat that will satisfy your sweet cravings. The rich cocoa flavors are complemented by a creamy icing and topped with irresistible chocolate buttons. Enjoy this indulgent dessert with a cup of tea or coffee for a truly satisfying experience.

— Constant Cookbook


  • For the cake-
  • 125g of self-raising flour
  • 2eggs
  • 125g of soft brown sugar
  • 30g of cocoa powder
  • 2 table spoons of single cream (optional)
  • 125g of margarine
  • Vanilla essence (cap full)
  • For the icing and decoration-
  • As many chocolate buttons as preferred
  • 200g of icing sugar
  • 100g of unsalted butter
  • a small amount of single cream
  • 30g of cocoa powder
  • vanilla essence (cap full)


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200c
  • Grease a cake tin and dust with flour
  • Firstly cream the fat and sugar, using a whisk or a wooden spoon.
  • Add in the eggs, vanilla essence and cocoa powder.
  • Then add the flour. And whisk more. Add anyother ingredients such as cream or milk.
  • Spread the thick mixture into the dusted tin.
  • And then cook at 200c until risen and bake by eye. test for readiness by using a skewer.
  • At this stage the cake needs to be cool. So cool overnight or you can make an ice bath for the tin to rest in.
  • Put all icing ingredients in a bowl and whisk using an electric mixer. Give or take a few ingredients until the icing reaches perfect consistency.
  • Palette knife or pipe the cake and finish with chocolate buttons.
  • Allow to cool in fridge.


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Makes 8 slices