Cheese-Filled Ravioli

Cheese-Filled Ravioli
  • Author: cherrysparkles

In this recipe, homemade pasta pockets are filled with a creamy ricotta and cheese mixture, creating a delightful dish perfect for a cozy meal. The pasta is tender and the filling is rich and flavorful, making each bite a delicious experience. Serve these delectable pasta pockets with your favorite sauce for a satisfying and comforting meal that will surely impress your loved ones.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 400g of plain flour
  • Salt
  • 4 beaten eggs
  • 1.5l of stock
  • 100g of melted butter
  • 75g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 225g of ricotta cheese
  • 100g of grated Bel Paese cheese
  • 50g of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • And a pinch of grated nutmeg


  • To make the pasta, sift the flour and a pinch of salt onto a work surface and make a dip in the middle. Add the eggs and mix into a smooth dough.
  • Shape the dough into a smooth ball, wrap in a damp cloth or tea-towel and leave for thirty minutes.
  • Meanwhile, make the filling by putting the ricotta and Bel Paese in a bowl and beat well. Add the rest of the ingredients with another pinch of salt and beat thoroughly.
  • Roll out the dough until it is paper thin. Cut into 4cm squares with a zigzag edge cutter. Put a little filling in the middle of each square then fold over the corner to make a triangle. Squidge together the corners so the filling doesn't come out and boil in the stock for five minutes.
  • Add a sauce to your liking and serve with a basil leaf on top. Voila! :-)


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Serves 4