Bread & Butter Pudding

Bread & Butter Pudding
  • Author: dawngwen

This cozy bread and butter pudding recipe is a classic British dessert that's warm, comforting, and perfect for a satisfying treat. The combination of creamy custard-soaked bread, sweet raisins, and a hint of buttery goodness is simply delightful. The pudding bakes to a golden perfection, creating a soft and indulgent texture that pairs beautifully with a dollop of custard or fresh cream. It's a simple and decadent dessert that is sure to bring joy to your table.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
  • 600ml milk
  • 125ml cream
  • 3oz sugar
  • raisins or sultanas
  • sliced bread (crust removed if using white loaf) or french stick sliced
  • butter


  • cut crust from bread if using white loaf spread butter on one side of bread
  • bring milk and sugar to boil and pour over eggs
  • leave to cool slightly
  • place buttered bread into dish laying each slice slightly over last and sprinkle dried fruit between slices
  • add cream to egg mixture and pour over bread, leave to soak min 1hr
  • cook 180C gas mark 4 for @ 20mins until slightly set
  • serve warm with custard or fresh cream


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Serves 4