Black Forest Trifle

Black Forest Trifle
  • Author: francesca338

This irresistible trifle combines the rich flavors of chocolate swiss rolls, black cherries, and a luscious chocolate angel delight. With layers of moist cake, decadent fillings, and creamy toppings, this dessert is sure to satisfy your cravings for a sweet and indulgent treat. The combination of textures and flavors makes this trifle a perfect choice for any occasion. Treat yourself to a delightful serving of this heavenly dessert and enjoy every spoonful.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 large or 2 small chocolate swiss rolls
  • miniature cherry brandy (optional)
  • tin of black cherry filling
  • blackcurrant jelly
  • chocolate flavour angel delight
  • 280 ml of double or whipping cream
  • plain chocolate


  • slice the swiss roll and put a layer in the bottom of the trifle dish
  • then take half of the tin of black cherry filling and spread over the first layer of swiss roll, then cover the cherry filling with another layer of swiss roll and if using pour the cherry brandy (or other alcohol if prefered) over the top until soaked in
  • take the other half of the tin of cherry filling and blend in food processor until smooth, then make up jelly according to instructions and add rest of blended cherry filling to jelly, stir well to mix and then pour over swiss roll, put in fridge and leave to set.
  • when jelly has set make up chocolate angel delight according instructions and pour over top of jelly, place back in fridge and leave to set for approx 10 mins
  • meanwhile whisk fresh cream until thick and creamy and spoon this ontop of trifle when angel delight is set, then grate plain chocolate over top and serve
  • for a quicker version of this trifle, save syrup from black cherry filling and add all the black cherries as at stage 2 then add second layer of swiss roll, mix remaining syrup with cherry brandy and pour over swiss roll until soaked in then add angel delight and cream etc.


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Serves 4