Baked Red Peppers

Baked Red Peppers
  • Author: steve147

This recipe for Stuffed Peppers with Tomatoes is a colorful and flavorful dish that combines the sweetness of red peppers with the tangy taste of ripe tomatoes. The peppers are generously filled with a mixture of tomatoes, garlic, and a hint of chili, all drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Roasted to perfection in the oven, these stuffed peppers make a satisfying and delicious meal.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 4 Red peppers halved length ways and de seeded
  • 4 Tomatoes quartered and de seeded
  • Garlic from a tube
  • Chillie from a tube
  • Good olive oil
  • Salt and Fresh ground pepper


  • Set the oven to 180
  • Place the peppers in a baking tin with scrunched up foil to support them ( stops the filling running out)
  • Chop the toms into chunks and level fill each half of pepper
  • A half inch squirt of garlic and the same of chillie in each, Steady with the chillie!!
  • Half Fill each pepper with olive oil
  • Sprinkle with a little salt and some pepper
  • Cover with foil and put in the oven for around 1 hour, but check after 40 mins
  • Peppers should be soft but not totally collapsed


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Serves 4