Aunty Betty's White Fruit Cake

Aunty Betty's White Fruit Cake
  • Author: lynneworthy

Rich fruit cake is a timeless classic that brings warmth and nostalgia with each bite. This recipe combines a symphony of flavors and textures, from the sweet sultanas and glace cherries to the crunch of chopped nuts and the zesty notes of lemon. The cake's moist and rich character is enhanced by a hint of brandy or sherry, making it perfect for celebrations or cozy gatherings. With a simple yet rewarding baking process, this fruit cake is sure to become a staple in your baking repertoire.

— Constant Cookbook


  • 8 oz butter (226g)
  • 8oz castor sugar (226g)
  • 8oz plain flour (226g)
  • 8oz sultanas (226g)
  • 8oz glace cherries (226g)
  • 6oz crystallised pineapple (170g)
  • 3oz angelica (85g)
  • 2oz mixed peel (56g)
  • 2oz chopped nuts (56g)
  • 4 lg eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 3-4 tbsp brandy or sherry


  • Soak sultanas in spirit for at least 3 hours
  • Grease and line 8 " (20 cm)deep cake tin and put paper around the outside.
  • Preheat oven to moderate-180 deg C (fan 160)
  • Cream butter and sugar.
  • Add beaten eggs and then fold in flour
  • Add all the fruit
  • Bake in moderate oven(180 deg C, fan 160) for 20 mins,reduce oven to slow(150 deg C, 120 fan) and bake for 20 mins, finally reduce oven to very slow(130 deg C, 100 fan) for 3-4 hours. Leave in tin for an hour after baking


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Serves 12