Asian Fruit Salad

Asian Fruit Salad
  • Author: shafiqkhan

This refreshing fruit chaat is a colorful and flavorful blend of various fruits mixed with a hint of tanginess and spice. It's a delightful medley perfect for a light snack or a side dish. The combination of sweet, sour, and savory flavors will tantalize your taste buds in every bite. Feel free to customize the fruits to your liking for a personalized twist on this classic dish. Enjoy the burst of freshness in every spoonful!

— Constant Cookbook


  • 1 pommegranate
  • 2 apples
  • 4 small/ bananas
  • 1 medium sized guava
  • small bunch of grapes, traditionally white ones are used, you can add red or black or even a mix of all 3!
  • 1 large orange
  • Large Pakistani mango
  • 1/4 a lemon
  • 1/2 tsp of icing sugar
  • 1/4 tsp of 'chaat masala' - this is a blend of spices used in fruit and chickpea salad, buy it from an asian grocer, or try supermarket. I like the 'Lazeez' brand,


  • Read through the recipe and gather all your ingredients.
  • Take seeds out of pommegranate. The easy way is to top and tail the pommegranate, cut into half. Then hold each half over a bowl and smack the back with a serving spoon. Be quite firm, the seeds pop out easily.
  • Peel, core and chop apples into small pieces and add to bowl
  • Peel and slice banana's lengthways and chop into pieces, add to bowl.
  • Wash, top and tail guava. Cut into half, scoop out seeds with a teaspoon. slice lengthways, add to bowl. (make sure guava is yellow on the outside and not green, ripe guava should be soft) Guava's can be either white or pink on the inside, like the one in picture, if you can't get hold of fresh guava's, try the pink tinned ones.
  • wash grapes, remove stalks and add to bowl. (Slice in half lengthway's if grapes are large).
  • Remove skin and pith from orange using a sharp knife and cut out segments, add to bowl, squeeze remaining orange onto fruit. Peel the mango and chop into pieces. You can buy these from june-august from an Asian grocer, the smell and taste is amazing, try it :)
  • Add the juice of 1/4 fresh lemon, this stops the fruit turning brown.
  • Add the sugar (fruit in the UK tends to be sour as it is picked before it is ripened and imported over here, the sugar helps balance this a little, icing sugar is best as it dissolves quickly but you can use caster sugar too) and chaat masala, stir well and leave to stand for 15 minutes, this will allow the spices to infuse. Don't add too much spices as it will make the salad too hot, especially for kiddies!
  • You can add pureed apricots to this mix if you wish. Just boil 5 partially dehydrated apricots and blitz them in a food processor when they are soft, then pour onto fruit salad!
  • Other fruits can be added too, try kiwi, strawberries, tinned or fresh peaches, tinned or fresh pears (peel first), blueberies, although they are not used traditionally.
  • You can serve mango or vanilla icecream with the chaat too :)


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Serves 4