Argentinian Empanadas

Argentinian Empanadas
  • Author: frombatoparis

These homemade empanadas are a cherished dish in Argentina, filled with a flavorful mixture of minced meat, olives, and hard-boiled eggs. The dough, enriched with pork fat or butter, is tender and flaky, making each bite a delight. Baked to golden perfection, these empanadas are a true culinary treasure, perfect for sharing with loved ones.

— Constant Cookbook


  • For the meat filling:
  • * minced meat (not too lean), 700gr
  • * onions, 2 (big), or 3 (medium), diced
  • * spring onions, 3, sliced
  • * vegetable stock, 1 cube, crushed
  • * olive oil, 3 tablespoons
  • * butter, 30gr
  • * tomato sauce, 300gr
  • * green pitted olives, 300gr, cut in halves.
  • * hard-boiled eggs, 2, diced
  • * paprika ( mild or hot), to taste
  • * cumin, 1 teaspoon (remember empanadas have a Moorish origine)
  • * salt & pepper
  • For the dough:
  • * all purpose flour, 1 kilo.
  • * pork fat (or butter), 200 gr
  • * "salmuera" (mixture of water and coarse salt)


  • In a large frying pan, sautée the onions in the oil and butter. (Using butter is important since once cold, it will make assembling the empanadas easier). Sprinkle the crushed cube of vegetable stock (This enhances flavour). Add in the meat. Cook until slightly coloured (it is not recommended to cook well meat well, since then, the empanadas will be baked or fried, so a double cooking process will make meat harder!)
  • ncorporate the tomato sauce (this is optional, but I find this makes empanadas "juicier", Argentinians love it when their empanadas drip the meat/onions/tomato juice!; this is also why you don't have to skimp on the onions...) Cook for 2'. Add in all the spices, the olives and hard-boiled eggs. Refrigerate, preferably 24hs.
  • In a bowl, put the flour, adding slowly the melted fat or butter. Incorporate this using a fork. Then, put the mixture on your table, making a mound with a well in the center. Start adding the salmuera, little by little, make a ball. The mixture should not be neither too dry not too sticky. If the last happens, rub your hands with flour, and keep on kneading as you would bread dough. Continue until the dough is smooth.
  • Form a ball, and let the dough rest (cover with a towel) for 15'. On a floured table top, flatten the dough ball, with a rolling pin, until it is 3 mm wide. Then, cut 12cm wide circles, using a pastry ring mold or a tea saucer.
  • Nowadays, in Argentina, people rarely make the dough themselves, since it can be bought, pre cut, in the right size, in any supermarket. If you want to avoid the hassle of making the dough yourself, you can buy pastry puff sheets and cut them into smaller disks of the right dimension...the flavour won't be the same, but it is a great time-saver!
  • OK, a spoonful of the filling is on the pastry disk, seal them as you see in the photo
  • Place the empanadas on a baking tray, brushed with sunflower oil. Bake them (200°C°) for 15/20' until golden brown.
  • For extra brilliance and taste, you can brush the empanadas with egg yolk. Some people love sprinkling cassonade (brown) sugar on them! (My family adores that !!)


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Serves 12